Filed via GCKey
August 16th, 2022
Mr. Claude Doucet
Secretary General
Canadian Radio-television and
Telecommunications Commission
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N2
Dear Mr. Doucet:
Re: Application to Revoke the Licence for the Regional, English-language
Discretionary Service Operating as Leafs Nation Network (formerly Leafs TV)
We are regulatory counsel to Toronto Maple Leafs Network Ltd., licensee of Leafs Nation
Network (“LNN”).
Pursuant to Sections 9(1)(e) and 24(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the licensee requests that
the Commission revoke LNN’s licence effective September 1st, 2022. Given the changing
nature of the sports broadcasting business, the licensee will be discontinuing the service
on August 31st, 2022.
Broadcasting Form 300, to process this Application administratively without a public
process, is attached. Should the Commission require any additional information, we
would be pleased to provide it on request.

Kevin J. Goldstein
Goldstein Communications Law Professional Corporation
c.: Rebecca Ross, MLSE
Kevin J. Goldstein | 427 St. Clements Ave., Toronto, ON M5N 1M2 | | 416.315.1105
*Legal services provided by Goldstein Communications Law Professional Corporation
Form 300 – Administrative Proceedings – Television
1. General information
This application form is only to be used for applications that do not require a public process and that
the Commission will deal with using the administrative approach. You may consult Broadcasting
Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-960 for additional information. These applications do not fall under
the Rules of Procedure with the exception of the confidentiality rules. The following applications
may be subject to another process if they raise concerns.
Applicants that have any questions related to this application form may contact a Commission specialist
at 1-866-781-1911.
Important notice: The Commission will return the application if it has not been duly completed. The onus
will be on the applicant to submit a complete application that provides all of the relevant information,
identifies all regulatory issues raised in the application and provides supporting documentation.
Electronic copy
Submit a website address or email address where an electronic copy of the application may be
requested: (required)
1.1 Type of application
Select the type of application you wish to submit:
2. Application by a licensee to revoke its licence.
Select the type of undertaking:
Discretionary (formerly Category A and B pay and specialty services)
1.2 Identification of applicant
Select the type of applicant:
Name of legal entity who is authorized by the Commission to operate this undertaking:
Toronto Maple Leafs Network Ltd.
Call sign or name of service:
Leafs Nation Network (formerly Leafs TV)
50 Bay Street, Suite 500
City / Town:
Province / Territory:
Postal Code (A1A 1A1):
M5J 2L2
Telephone (999-999-9999):
Facsimile (999-999-9999):
1.3 Contact person representing the applicant (if there is no
designated representative under 1.5)
Email (
Telephone (999-999-9999):
1.4 Sent By
Kevin Goldstein
Telephone (999-999-9999):
Email (
1.5 Designated representative
Is there a designated representative?
I, the applicant, hereby designate [designated representative] as my representative for and on my behalf and in my
name to sign, file and complete (if necessary) an application with the Canadian Radio-television and
Telecommunications Commission and to sign and file a reply with respect thereto and I do hereby ratify, confirm, and
adopt as my own act, such application and all replies made thereto.
Applicant Name:
Toronto Maple Leafs Network Ltd.
Designated Representative:
Kevin Goldstein
Date (YYYY-MM-DD):
At: (Example: city, province)
Toronto, Ontario
Address of designated representative:
427 St. Clements Avenue
Regulatory Counsel
Telephone (999-999-9999):
Facsimile (999-999-9999):
Email (
1.6 Declaration of the applicant or its designated representative
I, solemnly declare that:
a. I am the designated representative of the applicant named in this application and as such have knowledge of all matters declared
b. The statements made in this application, or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the
Commission, are (will be) to the best of my knowledge and belief true in all respects.
c. The opinions and estimates given in this application, or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the
Commission, are (will be) based on facts as known to me.
d. I have examined the provisions of the Broadcasting Act, the broadcasting regulations and policies relevant to this application.
Kevin Goldstein
Signature date
Witnessed by:
Rebecca Ross
Signature date
At: (Example: city, province)
Toronto, Ontario
2. Description of application
a) Are you requesting that your licence be revoked?
b) Do you believe you are eligible for an exemption order?
3. Request for documents to be designated as confidential
Sections 30 to 34 of the Implementation of new Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and
Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-958, set out a process by which parties to Commission
proceedings may file information on the record of a public proceeding in confidence.
A party filing information can "designate" it as confidential at the time it is filed with the Commission
(section 31) if it falls into one of the following categories:
1. Information that is a trade secret;
2. Financial, commercial, scientific or technical information that is confidential and that is treated
consistently in a confidential manner by the person who submitted it; or
3. Information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected
i. To result in material financial loss or gain to any person;
ii. To prejudice the competitive position of any person; or
iii. To affect contractual or other negotiations of any person.
At the time that the party files the information it designates as confidential, it must provide an abridged
version of the document along with an explanation of how the information falls into a category of
information listed in section 31. The party must provide a detailed rationale to explain why the disclosure
of the information is not in the public interest (section 32(1)).
The confidential version of the document must be filed separately and must be marked "CONFIDENTIAL"
on each page. If the document is filed electronically, each file containing confidential information must
include "confidential" in the file name.
The abridged version of the document and the reasons for the designation of information as confidential
will be placed on the public record of the proceeding.
Please consult the Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in
Commission proceedings, Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961 for
complete process for filing confidential information.
Are you requesting for some information to be designated as confidential?
4. Documents to be appended to the application and naming
convention of electronic documents
Documents should be submitted in an accessible format (Broadcasting and Telecom Information
Bulletin CRTC 2015-242)
The following documents should be submitted as separate electronic documents using the naming
convention specified below. The document number (Doc#) indicates the ascending order in which the
documents should appear on the public file.
The document name should not exceed 100 characters or include any special characters (%, $, &, /, (), #,
The document should not be submitted in .xhtml format.
Additional documents (if necessary)
All additional documents must use the following naming convention: Doc# - "Specify name of document" .
Attached file(s)
- Doc - Cover Letter.pdf
Appendix 1
All appendix 1 documents must use the following naming convention: Doc1 – Appendix 1 – Services that form part of
“Name of Your Group” for the purposes of group-based licensing.
You do not have to submit this document.
Confidential document(s)
All confidential documents must use the following naming convention: NOT WEB - Doc # - CONFDOC - "brief
description of the document"
You do not have to submit this document.
Abridged version of each confidential document
All abridged confidential documents must use the following naming convention: Doc # - ABRIDGED VERSION - "same
description of document for which confidentiality is requested"
You do not have to submit this document.